Ending this Year with a Bang!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

December has been given us an awesome opportunity to minister the Word of God. As its customary here, churches have big parties in December. Every day there is a church that has their “Day of Thanks” fiesta.

We are pleased to report that this month we ministered to:

More than 1,800 people!

I’m so excited for what God is doing and you should be too! You are contributors to this ministry by your gift offerings, prayers, and friendship! All valuable in ministry giving glory to Him that is Worthy.
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Col 3:17 ESV


Diciembre nos dio la tremenda oportunidad de ministrar la Palabra de Dios. Como de costumbre aquí, las iglesias tienen los fiestas en grandes para diciembre. Cada día hay una iglesia que tiene su fiesta "Día de Acción de Gracias".

Estamos contentos de informar que este mes ministramos a:

¡Más de 1,800 personas!

¡Estamos emocionados por lo que Dios hace y usted también debía estarlo! ¡Usted es contribuyente a este ministerio por sus ofrendas, oraciones, y amistad! Todo valioso en el ministerio dando gloria a El que es Digno.

Y todo lo que hagan, de palabra o de hecho, háganlo todo en el nombre del Señor Jesús, dando gracias por medio de El a Dios el Padre. Col 3:17 NBLH

It's our first Christmas in Mexico!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Back in the States our celebration usually involved church family since we didn't have relatives near so Mexico is no different. We invited a few families to the house.

First, a little background info
When religion is more important than family and forgiveness the consequences are apparent. There are about 10 families that although the gospel has been played over and over like a broken record, active faith and genuine love are weak in their foundation. Part of the families go to a church service on the 24th and don’t miss it for anything in the world. I went to that same church service last year and like most of the many churches here, it was just another program. The other families may realize the need for fellowship but don’t do anything about it.

With issues deeper than just spending time together, I see the need for God to confront each and everyone to forgiveness, love, and to be in one accord. Something happens when we come together in His name. Chains are broken. Hearts are melted. Minds are renewed. This time it was the occasion of Christmas but I hope for many more gatherings.

There were about 20 people plus kids at the house on the 24th. We listened to Christmas music all day. There was prayer and I read the story of Jesus’ birth. We ate dinner together and had a bonfire. We waited until 12 midnight and gave hugs to say “Merry Christmas”.

I pray this celebration showed the families in a tangible way:
We can be together in harmony
We can put aside our misunderstandings, judgments, and past quarrels
We can celebrate Jesus sincerely and openly without religious traditions
We can show our children that being a Christian is real and to apply it in everything we are!
You are the people of God; he loved you and chose you for his own. So then, you must clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Be tolerant with one another and forgive one another whenever any of you has a complaint against someone else. You must forgive one another just as the Lord has forgiven you. And to all these qualities add love, which binds all things together in perfect unity. Colossians 3:12-14 GNB

¡Es nuestra primera Navidad en México!

Cuando estábamos en los Estados nuestra celebración era con la familia de la iglesia ya que nosotros no teníamos parientes cerca aquí en México es no diferente. Invitamos unas familias a la casa.

Primero, información de fondo
Cuando la religión es más importante que la familia y el perdón las consecuencias son aparentes. Hay acerca de 10 familias que aunque el evangelio haya sido repetido una y otra vez similar un disco rayado, la fe activa y el verdadero amor son débiles en su fundamento. Una parte de las familias va a un servicio el 24 y no lo pierde por nada en el mundo. Fui a ese mismo servicio el año pasado y como la mayor parte de las muchas iglesias aquí, fue otro programa más. Las otras familias pueden darse cuenta de la necesidad para la confraternidad pero no hacen nada acerca de ello.

Con asuntos más profundos que pasar el tiempo juntos, yo veo la necesidad que Dios confronte a cada uno al perdón, el amor, y el estar en un acuerdo. Algo sucede cuando nosotros nos reunimos en Su nombre. Las cadenas son rotas. Los corazones son derretidos. Las mentes son renovadas. Esta vez fue la ocasión de Navidad pero espero muchas más reuniones.

Había cerca de 20 personas más niños en la casa en el 24. Escuchamos música de Navidad todo el día. Había oración y yo leí la historia del nacimiento de Jesús. Comimos la cena juntos y tuvimos una fogata. Esperamos hasta la medianoche y nos dimos el abrazo para decir "Feliz Navidad". Oró que está celebración mostrara las familias en una manera palpable que:
Podemos estar juntos en armonía
Podemos abandonar nuestros malentendidos, prejuicios, y peleas
Podemos celebrar a Jesús sinceramente y abiertamente sin tradiciones religiosas
Podemos mostrar a nuestros niños que ser un cristiano es algo verdadero y nosotros lo aplicamos en todo lo que somos
Por lo tanto, como escogidos de Dios, santos y amados, revestíos de afecto entrañable y de bondad, humildad, amabilidad y paciencia, de modo que os toleréis unos a otros y os perdonéis si alguno tiene queja contra otro. Así como el Señor os perdonó, perdonad también vosotros. Por encima de todo, vestíos de amor, que es el vínculo perfecto. Colossians 3:12-14 BAD

Day of Thanks at the Jordan

Sunday, December 27, 2009

God moved in a mighty way in the Day of Thanks at the Jordan church in Tlaco.

Let the Lord be praised. O give praise to the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy is unchanging for ever. Psalms 106:1 BBE

Dios se movió en de una manera maravillosa en el Día de Acción de Gracias de la iglesia el Jordán en Tlaco.
¡Aleluya! Dad gracias al SEÑOR, porque es bueno; porque para siempre es su misericordia. Psalms 106:1 LBLA

Jordan Church - update

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The more we visit and get involved with this church the more we think, maybe we really don’t need to know. There are so many things wrong.

From tithing, to criticism (there is in any church but this is major), to religions customs that literally block the spirit of worship (I’ve mentioned this before) and of course there is no foundation on the Word.

I can’t speak only the negative; we’ve also felt a hunger for the Lord, hunger for true leadership, hospitality, and a positive outlook to our arrival. These are all crucial parts for a transition to change and correction.

Most of our time in our home town we spend developing relationships, listening to people’s needs/concerns, and praying for God’s Word and Power to flow. He is the only one that can bring life to this church.

Yesterday we met again with the local pastor and his wife. We are helping him organize their annual ‘thanks giving day’. Churches celebrate this once a year. It’s like Homecoming meets Revival meets a Christian Fiesta. They go big! Lots of food, many invites, and a loud playing band, it’s about 4 hours altogether.

Still unsure with how long we are going to be here, we know at some point we will need to leave a strong, healthy, and love-filled church.

Aside from letting you know what we’re doing and what’s going on with the Jordan, this post is also for those that are in prayer with us.
Let your eyes be open to the plea of your servant and to the plea of your people Israel, giving ear to them whenever they call to you. 1 Kings 8:52 ESV
These are the blood-redeemed children of God and He will be faithful in keeping his promises of restoration, freedom, and life! That He May be Glorified!

La Iglesia del Jordán – Actualización

Mientras más visitamos y nos relacionamos con esta iglesia más pensamos, quizá nosotros realmente no debemos saber. Hay tantas cosas mal.

Desde el diezmo, a la crítica (hay en cualquier iglesia pero esto es mayor), a costumbres religiosas que bloquea literalmente el espíritu de adoración (he mencionado esto antes) y por supuesto no hay base en la Palabra.

Yo no puedo hablar sólo el negativo; tienen también un hambre del Señor, hambre por un liderazgo verdadero, hospitalidad, y una vista positiva a nuestra llegada. Todas son partes cruciales para una transición de cambio y corrección.

La mayor parte de nuestro tiempo en el pueblo donde vivimos pasamos cultivando relaciones, escuchando las necesidades/preocupaciones de personas, y orando para que la Palabra de Dios y el Poder fluyan. El es el único que puede traer vida a esta iglesia.

Ayer nos reunimos otra vez con el pastor local y su esposa. Nosotros lo estamos ayudando para organiza su día anual de 'acción de gracias'. Las iglesias celebran esto una vez al año. Está como un aniversario, un avivamiento, y una Fiesta Cristiana en uno. ¡Ellos lo hacen a lo grande! Hay mucha comida, muchos invitados, y una banda que toca bien fuerte, dura cerca de 4 horas.

Todavía inseguros con cuánto tiempo nosotros estaremos aquí, sabemos en algún punto que deberemos dejar una iglesia fuerte, sana y llena de amor.

Aparte de permitirle saber lo que hacemos y lo que pasa con el Jordán, este escrito es también para ésos que están en oración con nosotros.
Estén, pues, atentos tus ojos a la oración de tu siervo y a la plegaria de tu pueblo Israel, para oírlos en todo aquello por lo cual te invoquen, 1 Reyes 8:52
¡Estos son los hijos de Dios redimos con sangre y El será fiel en cumplir su promesa de restauración, de libertad, y de vida! ¡Para que El sea glorificado!

Life in Mexico Video 2

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We made it home

We are finally back. It has been an exciting 4 weeks but we are glad to be home, our new home that is. One reason for our trip to the States was because Wilson needed to go to the doctor’s for a check up. We can gladly report that instead of the 2 prescriptions, now he only has one. Praise God!

We also visited churches and gave a presentation of the work and the projects we have to do. God has been so kind to us and we are thankful for the time we shared with many brothers/sisters in Christ.

Mrs. Teasley's 2nd Grade at Oaks Christian School - Summerville, SC
I'm so proud of this class! Thank you so much to Mrs. Teasley for inviting us and helping us share the testimony. We enjoyed every part and can't wait to keep in touch.

Iglesia Creados para Adorar - High Point, NC
What a wonderful group of believers with love! You made us feel at home and like family.

Pastor Bill and Donna Vines – Fayettevile, NC
Our life has been blessed not only by your ministry but your friendship.

Centro de Adoración Familiar – Greenville, SC
How sweet to be with the people of God in the spirit of worship! It was an honor to worship together.

Bishop Ken and Robin Baker – Rock Hill, SC
You have always loved us and believed in our ministry. Your testimony of God’s faithfulness increases our faith!

Centro de Restauración Cristiano and COGOP (Blvd. Rd.) – Sumter, SC
God is doing great things in Sumter. It was awesome to share Communion and feet-washing, what a blessing!

Hispanic Ministry at the Harvest – Columbia, SC
We pray God will continue to move and manifest himself to you. There are great things to come, we believe!

Pastor Tom and Joann Blair – Summerville, TX
Even more than the good food and great laughs, your love and trust have blessed us!

Sister Paula Conard Rayburn – Houston, TX
It’s always a blessing to see you. You and Amy have such a sweet and loving spirit.

We are so grateful but we just can’t name everyone! Each of you who has given us a hand with a favor, invited us for Thanksgiving, let us borrow your car, let us stay at your house, even let us do laundry (may seem small but it’s one less thing a missionary needs to worry about). Thank you so much!

A big special thanks to our Senior Pastor JR Martin and and our Sister in Christ Shirley Martin. They cover us in prayer and look out for us in ways we may not even know. Thank you for allowing God to use you in so many ways. Thank you for heading SFWC in spirit-led giving, that He May be Glorified.
Llegamos a Casa

Estamos por fin acá. Ha sido unas emocionantes 4 semanas pero estamos contentos de estar en casa, nuestro nuevo hogar. Una razón para nuestro viaje a los Estados fue porque Wilson necesitó ir al médico para chequeo. Podemos informar contentamente que en vez de las 2 recetas medicas, ahora él sólo tiene una. ¡Alabe a Dios!

También visitamos las iglesias y dimos una presentación del trabajo y los proyectos que tenemos que hacer. Dios ha sido tan bueno con nosotros y nosotros estamos agradecidos por el tiempo que compartimos con los muchos hermanos/hermanas en Cristo.

La clase de Segundo Grado de la Ma. Teasley en la escuela Oaks Christian School - Summerville, SC
Estoy tan orgullosa de esta clase. Gracias a la Ma. Teasley por invitarnos y ayudarnos a compartir el testimonio. Disfrutamos cada parte y no podemos esperar para seguir en contacto.

Iglesia Creados para Adorar - High Point, NC
¡Que grupo maravilloso de creyentes con amor! Ustedes nos hicieron sentir como en casa y en familia.

Pastores Bill y Donna Vines – Fayettevile, NC
Nuestra vida ha sido bendecida no sólo por su ministerio pero por su amistad.

Centro de Adoración Familiar – Greenville, SC
¡Cuán dulce es estar con las personas de Dios en el espíritu de adoración! Fue un honor adorar juntos.

Obispo Ken y Robin Baker – Rock Hill, SC
Usted siempre nos ha amado y creído en nuestro ministerio. ¡Su testimonio de la fidelidad de Dios aumenta nuestra fe!

Centro de Restauración Cristiano y COGOP (Blvd. Rd). – Sumter, SC
Dios esta haciendo grandes cosas en Sumter. ¡Fue impresionante compartir Comunión y Lavatorio de Pies, que gran bendición!

Ministerio Hispano de Harvest – Columbia, SC
Oramos que Dios continué moviéndose y manifestándose a ustedes. ¡Hay grandes cosas por venir, lo creemos!

Pastor Tom y Joann Blair – Summerville, SC
¡Más que la buena comida y mejores risas, su amor y confianza nos han bendecido!

Hermana Paula Conard Rayburn – Houston, TX
Es siempre una bendición verlas. Usted y Amy tienen un espíritu dulce y tan amoroso.

¡Estamos tan agradecidos pero no podemos nombrar a todos! Cada uno de ustedes que nos ha dado una mano con un favor, nos invitó a la cena de Acción de Gracias, nos permitió utilizar su automóvil, nos dejo quedar en su casa, y nos permitió aún lavar nuestra ropa sucia (puede parecer pequeño pero es una cosa menos que un misionero debe preocuparse). ¡Muchas Gracias!

Un agradecimiento especial a nuestro Pastor JR Martin y nuestra hermana en Cristo Shirley Martin. Ellos nos cubren en oración y miran por nosotros en maneras que nosotros a veces no sabemos. Gracias por permitir que Dios lo use en tantas maneras. Gracias por dirigir a SFWC en un espíritu de dar, para que El sea Glorificado.

At Home

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hola Amigos!

We are in our home state, South Carolina. We will be here for a couple of weeks giving presentations and visiting sister churches.
You are my king and my God; you give victory to your people, and by your power we defeat our enemies. Psa 44:4-5 GNB

Tamala, Hidalgo

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We left the house around 5am and arrived in Tamala around 1pm. The drive was smooth but the roads are winding. I didn't get nauseated, this time.

There was a youth conference in the afternoon and a worship service in the evening.

People are hungry for a Word that restores and strengths the faith. I had the opportunity to minister to the youth leader and Wilson spent most of the time with the local pastor. It is so palpable how the Lord uses the experiences we’ve had as pastors to now encourage and give wisdom to His servants here.

This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. 1Ti 3:1 KJV

Nueva Brazil, Hidalgo

Sunday, November 1, 2009

This time Wilson went with the committee to Nueva Brazil, in the state of Hidalgo. Two other brothers also went with him. I had stay and do the Bible Study in Tlaco.

God is good!

Huacri, Hidalgo

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Despite the weather, people still showed for service at Huacri. This is a mountainous region in Hidalgo. It was cold, windy, and rainy and most people walked to church. Men sat on one side of the building and ladies on the other. It was clear there were more men than ladies that night; it also meant the ladies stayed home with the kids.

People’s hospitality here is endless. The few ladies still managed to prepare us something to eat: tortillas, salsa, boiled eggs, coffee and bread. One lady in particular I remember juggling on one hand the tortillas, a toddler on her skirt, and a baby on a kangaroo-type carrier.

Ptlapixca, Hidalgo

Monday, October 19, 2009

What a blessing in Ptlapixca! Don't worry, you don't have to pronounce it, just believe it! :-)



But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 2Co 4:7 ESV

Set Me Free

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chapantongo, Hidalgo
There is small group that meets every 2 weeks in a moderate size bedroom. We promised them we would be back and we did. Our first visit to this 'mission' church was a few months ago.

Since that first visit I remembered a lady I prayed for. After Wilson's teaching he started praying for people. I immediately felt the need to pray for her. She almost refused but the Holy Spirit's kindness pushed her. After a few moments into prayer she fell to the ground, still conscious, but struggling. Holy Spirit was giving me revelation of her needs and the power to call out specific spirits that were taunting her. I know and believe the Lord did a work that day. No doubt!

This second time we visited I noticed she was still not free.
~Teaching on How the Word Changes our Life~

Prison Ministry
Wilson visited a local prison this past weekend for the first time. A local minister has been doing this work for some years. He has been in ministry for 20+ years and so available to the Lord that he wanted for Wilson to go and preach but also observe his system of ministry and possibly provide suggestions or ideas for change. That amazes me.

In their current program they visit once a month and by way of rotation, churches bring food for the prison mates, after the Word they fellowship. Wilson said the majority of the prisoners are very young men who are hungry for some thing real.
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me....to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; Isa 61:1 ESV

We see much need of spiritual deliverance. Like the lady in Chapantongo and even from my own experience, prayer is just the beginning. With freedom and healing comes learning a new way of life and unlearning the lies of the enemy.

I would like to buy a copy of this book: The Bondage Breaker by Neil T. Anderson as a teaching guide for everyone we meet who needs spiritual deliverance. This book, I can say, has made a huge difference in my life and I believe that it can do the same for others. Thankfully it's available in Spanish here and I can order it through a Christian bookstore (about $10 dollars per copy).

I trust Holy Spirit speaks to each of us and pray he will continue to lead us in every word or deed we say or do in His kingdom. Amen. May God bless you friends.

Chapantongo, Hidalgo

Hay un pequeño grupo que se reúne cada 2 semanas en una recámara moderada de tamaño. Nosotros les prometimos que regresaríamos e hicimos. Nuestra primera visita a esta iglesia de "misión" fue un hace pocos meses.

Desde que visitamos la primera vez recordé a una señora que oré por ella. Después de que la enseñanza de Wilson él empezó a orar. Sentí inmediatamente la necesidad de orar por ella. Ella casi se negó pero el Espíritu Santo la empujó. Después de unos pocos momentos en oración ella se cayo al suelo, todavía consciente, pero luchando. El Espíritu Santo me daba revelación de sus necesidades y el poder de llamar los espíritus específicos que la provocaban. Sé y creo que el Señor hizo un trabajo ese día. ¡Sin duda!

En esta segunda visita note que ella todavía no fue libre.

El Ministerio de la Prisión
Wilson visitó una prisión local este fin de semana pasado por primera vez. Un ministro local ha estado haciendo este trabajo durante algún años. El ha estado en el ministerio por más de 20 años y esta tan disponible al Señor que él deseó que Wilson fuera y predicara pero también observar su sistema de ministerio y aportar posiblemente sugerencias o ideas para un cambio. Eso me asombra.

En su programa actual ellos visitan una vez al mes y por manera de rotación, las iglesias traen alimento para los compañeros de la prisión, después de la Palabra hay confraternidad. Wilson dijo que la mayoría de los presos son muy jóvenes que tienen hambre para alguna cosa verdadera.

Vemos mucha necesidad de liberación espiritual. Como la señora en Chapantongo e incluso con mi propia experiencia, la oración puede ser solo el principio. Con libertad y sanidad viene también el aprender un nuevo estilo de vida y desatender las mentiras del enemigo.

Quisiera comprar una copia de este libro: Rompiendo las cadenas/ The Bondage Breaker (Spanish Edition)por Neil T. Anderson como una guía de estudios para todos los que encontramos quién necesita la liberación espiritual. Este libro, puedo decir, ha hecho una diferencia inmensa en mi vida y yo creo que puedo hacer el mismo para otros. Gracias a Dios está disponible en español aquí y yo lo puedo ordenar por una librería cristiana (aproximadamente $10 dólares por copia).

Yo me confío que el Espíritu Santo habla con cada uno de nosotros y oró que él continué dirigiéndonos en cada palabra u obra que decimos o hacemos para Su reino. Amén. Dios los bendiga amigos.

Life in Mexico Video

Monday, October 5, 2009

Here are just little snippets of some of the things I’ve experienced in Mexico.

The Waiting Period

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Today is the first day of new living in Mexico. We’re on our own! Wow. I’m excited and nervous at the same time.

Our previous living arrangements were with a family in a two-story house. We had a bedroom and occupied another room with our stuff (camping gear, tools, etc.). We helped weekly with the grocery bill and another bill once a month. It was a pretty good understanding we thought.

A few weeks ago we started noticing a few things that were just not right. Something, that we could just not pin point it, it was holding us back. What to do? We turned to the one who leads us to green pastures, our Heavenly Father. We waited, asked godly counsel, and waited.

You know when you get a new insurance policy or when you start a new job, there is a waiting period. Thirty or maybe ninety days when the benefits ‘activate’! In my own little way, this felt like that waiting period. It’s been 4 months since we moved down here. I'm glad we lived with that family for the first months. I can't imagine how much harder it would of all been trying to adapt to a new culture, laws, health system, the list goes on!

I know things will be different from now on. Trials and obstacles will still come, silly not to expect them, but to stand exactly in the bull’s-eye where God wants you IS ALL worth it! Praise God! My heart fills with joy!

Today we live in a BIG house; a little too big for me, but it we will need every bit of it when we have a mission’s team come here. We don’t have a lot of furniture; actually we’re using our folding chairs right now (haha), and only the most basic kitchen utensils. Wilson’s handyman expertise has been a huge help, thank the Lord for all the gifts he has given him! I’m so proud of him! He can preach, teach, fix a sink, setup the DVD player, hook up a car with a stereo system, give a tune-up to a car, cook a fancy meal, look good doing it all and making me feel like the most blessed wife in Mexico! Lol. It’s a tough job I tell ya!

I’ve even started a vegetable garden (those of you who know me know I’m not a gardener! haha). In about 3 months I will have green bell peppers (expensive here since most people use the hot ones), tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash. I already have a lime tree (thank you Jesus!) and a guava tree. Green pastures!

So, we now wait for you :-) . We’re excited to have missions teams come here. A few churches have already contacted us to arrange this. We’re glad to work with your church's mission team! Mexico 4 Jesus!
Let your work be shown to your servants, and your glorious power to their children. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands! Psa 90:16-17 ESV

The Jordan - local church in Tlaco

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Most of the videos, pictures and testimonies you’ve seen here in the blog are from visits to a region church or trips to mountain areas where the gospel is still new. This work is done through a partnership with a local denomination and their committee. This denomination also has a local church in the town we live, Tlacotlapilco, the church’s name is “The Jordan”.

A little of the history of The Jordan-
This church was founded by a man more than 30 years ago. The founder and pastor went to be with the Lord last year. One of his daughters is a member of the church we then were pastors in South Carolina. She traveled immediately to be with her family but didn’t travel with her daughters. Wilson, as a favor, served as an escort and brought her daughters down. The Lord used Wilson to minister to the families and flock left behind.

The church has a new pastor whom the founder recommended before passing. However, the church’s condition now is heartbreaking. More than 30 years of ministry in this town and today the service attendance was 11. There are no branch ministries (children, youth, ladies, men’s) to support the work. Biblical sound doctrine is practically nonexistent. Worship services have a deep religious influence (songs are sung without passion, there is no real hunger for God’s presence).

Even though the pastor and parishioners know Wilson since his first trip, we still have to gain their trust and confidence as people. So until recently we’ve played the quite role, visiting their services and teaching once in a while as ‘guest speakers’. Today the pastor spoke to us and agreed Wilson would teach every week. This is a phenomenal opportunity we have been waiting and praying for!
Therefore go and teach all nations…teaching them to observe all things, whatever I commanded you. Mat 28:19-20 MKJV
Our great commandment as church does not only involve preaching the gospel but teaching people how to live it. This requires love and patience, time and energy, scarifies and persistence.

I know here there are people hurt, families broken, children growing up without a relationship with Jesus, and Christians who are so religious they can’t see beyond their circle. I also know a Healer, Restorer, Savior, and a Bondage Breaker! God is up to something amazing in this town. He will restore and transform the hearts and minds of every person who believes without respect of age, gender, language or religious background! In Jesus’ name!

Thank you to all who continue to pray for us and this ministry. We are certainly not here alone.

…But earnest prayer was made to God for him by the church. Act 12:5 MKJV

Veracruz 04

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This visit was a marker for the brothers and sisters of Veracruz.
It was their first baptism service!

We had to walk about an hour down the mountain to the river. It was very steep and slippery but I finally made it after a few slips of my own. It was worth to see the river and to be in between 2 huge mountains. I felt so proud! Then I saw a 8 month pregnant lady and a 70 something elderly woman come down. I laughed and was once again amazed at the endurance these people have. Shame on me! (Lol)

Someone asked why I wasn't on the videos, unfortunately I'm the only camera man on this team :(

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10(NKJV)

Veracruz 03 Video

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Finally!!! I'm so excited! The video finally uploaded!
Ta..ta...ta...!! Here it is:

My First Mexican Independence Day

“To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews…”1Co 9:20 ESV
This verse became more real and true to me tonight as I experienced my first Independence Day in Mexico. I attended a service with a program that included “A Great Mexican Night”. During this program the pastor called for prayer for the nation confessing sins, asking mercy and rebuking spirits. It was then that I actually realized, “I am a Mexican now, do so as the Mexicans”, I remembered Paul and his ministry.

I feel as I need to become one with the people, if I must intercede surely my heart must feel their pain and need of deliverance. My thoughts naturally compared my life in the States; it’s difficult to take notice of these things when you feel at home. Sins don’t ‘look’ like sins anymore and spirits become familiar.
"…Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." Eph 5:14:17 ESV
Let’s get in touch with God! We ALL have a part in his kingdom! I spent many years with zeal to serve the Lord but feeling out of place. Consider the scripture “…make the best of your time…” and “…understand what the will of the Lord is…” personally that His name may be glorified!

Veracruz 03

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our last visit to Veracruz was short but victorious. We prayed over the place where services will be held, it's actually a semi-built house we will be borrowing because the owner, a brother in the Lord, was touched by God to offer it. It's a great opportunity for us because the people in the village get to know us before we buy any land for a worship house.

I feel I have to apologize because it has taken me a while to post this. A few reasons, I traveled back home for a couple of weeks, and when I finally got back the video wouldn't upload to youtube. That is where I store them and then just embed here. I like to think I'm savvy but honestly sometimes I just guess things out on how they work. I'm trying right now as I type to upload once again. My internet connection is super slow, takes up to 5 hours, but I've done it before so I don't think that's the problem.

Well here are some pictures and hopefully the video will follow.

V. Carranza, Puebla

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

We visited V. Carranza in the state of Puebla this weekend.
Church service was powerful!
There were several healings, including a man who couldn't walk, a man with one eye blind, and a little girl with fever.

See the Pictures

And watch the Video

When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.
The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:17 -18

Recent Trips with the Committee

Sunday, August 16, 2009

We have been blessed to meet Sister Irma. She is the legal representative, and a lawyer by profession, of a local church denomination. She introduced us to "The Committee", a group of leaders who visit sister churches around the region. It's a wonderful partnership so far. They know the people and the places, we get an opportunity to minister where there is need.

Since we came back from the States we've visited 3 places.

  • Zimapan, Hidalgo - There was a pastor established in a mission church.
  • Chapantongo, Hidalgo - Visited a home service, no pastor established yet. This group is fruit of the labor done by a nearby pastor who does prison ministry. A lady was delivered from generational curses and a few testified the power of God in their life.
  • The third place I will share in a separate post (more pics and video).


It's not always easy to take pictures or video. My smaller camera is nonfunctional, plus people can feel intimidated when they see my bigger Cannon. Sometimes I'm ministering myself and there isn't anyone to take a picture :-( I share as much as I can though.

We are really taking an effort to build a strong relationship with the denomination and it's leaders and churches. There are many things that NEED a change. I believe we can teach them many principles including integrity, authority/submission, and a leadership style without religion or legalism.
So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:31-32

Tidbits of Life in Mexico

Friday, August 7, 2009

  • I feel weak physically compared to other women here. They carry so much on their backs and even around their heads. I can barely pull up my wet sheets from the washer to extract them.
  • When I walk, I now have to remember to watch my step because there may be chicken or other animal waste.
  • The fair is coming this weekend. I'm so excited to see the culture come alive. There is one small detail. I can't go with the girls who live here. You see, Christians and Non-Christians (Catholics) are so separated in the community that a community fair can become a religious discord. Town families are all asked to cooperate with the expenses of the fair. Christians refuse because the money goes toward a festivity that ultimately is done by the Catholic church. Therefore, even if they wanted to enjoy the food, rides, and entertainment, they feel it’s not their place because they didn’t give money and because they want to make a statement out of it. We also want to make a statement here and that’s why I’m making plans to go. Hopefully it will show Christians especially that we are not here to draw lines but to show God’s love to everyone, regardless of how they feel towards us.
  • I’m so annoyed by bugs. Ugh! They are everywhere and frankly sometimes I have to let go of my germ phobia.
  • Yes! Prayer! I’m doing so many things more prayerfully here, like the food we prepare, the showers I’m grateful to have without worrying the water will run out, the hands I shake believing God will keep us healthy.
  • This town can seem so quite and serene, it can be deceiving. Don’t get me wrong I like the calmness. The problem is that there is still a war to be fought. Last week was a brutal wake up call. We’ve had 3 people sick including Wilson, 2 ‘small’ accidents that required medical attention, and misunderstandings. I spent a whole day just grieving and battling the enemy with his lies. You don’t think anything of it until you battle it out, the enemy is a liar.
  • Being prepared is essential. We are like doctors on call duty. We may be called at any time for anything. My job is to be emotionally, physically, mentally, and obviously spiritually prepared. I may not always know what to do but my spirit must be willing, my soul calm, and my mind charged. People are hungry and God will use me as he wishes.
  • I spend my down time listening to worship CD’s, reading the Word or maybe a counseling book, writing bible studies, journaling and of course online keeping in touch with friends.
  • It’s been difficult mentally. My life in the States was so fast and on the go. I was used to multitasking at my job, go home cook and eat, sometimes washed my teeth so fast I was still chewing my dinner so we could go to church or small group meeting. It’s good to know I’m supposed to be here. My mind may play games with me sometimes but my heart and spirit know God is in control. Gloria a Dios!
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15:11 ESV

1. Thanks to my amiga Mary for the blog's new look. Tell me what you think!
2. I know many of you have asked for recent videos/pictures, I will have some soon!

Life in Mexico

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thanks to Juan and Maria's girls, we've had lots of fun this week.

This is a pic from San Pablo. It's a very small town with a beautiful pure river. The water was clear and lukewarm. This wasn't a park. We had to bring our own food because the nearest place that sold food was about an hour away. A day to enjoy God's creation.

Today, I ate barbacoa. It's tender lamb cooked in a pit oven for hours in it's own juices. Absolutely delicious, I just hope it's not too fattening. People around here don't count calories much. Lol.

Psalms 8:3-9
3 When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
4 what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?
5 Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.
6 You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet,
7 all sheep and oxen, and also the beasts of the field,
8 the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes along the paths of the seas.
9 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

This is where we are suppose to be

Monday, July 20, 2009

Hello friends!

It’s been a while since the last post. We had to travel back to the States due to an emergency. We are fine we just had to take care of some business.

The important thing is that we are back where we are supposed to be. I believe it was a trick of the enemy to discourage us and steal our joy and focus. However, God’s promises are true when it says, “That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked INTO something good.” (Rom 8:28 MSG) It may not always start right, but in the end we are the winners. Thanks to this trip, Wilson was able to get a 5 month supply of 1 of his medicines; we also had a valuable discussion with our pastor back home regarding upcoming projects and overall improvements. I visited and worshipped with dear brothers and sisters in Christ too. That is always an encouragement and a blessing. I just don’t understand how people don’t ‘want’ to go to church sometimes and say ‘you don’t to go to church and worship God, I can do it at home’, how little do they understand the blessing of belonging to the body of Christ.

We are going to Veracruz this weekend. I still remembered Pastor’s words during his sermon that last Sunday we were there. He said we would see many needs that we would NOT be able to help. That word stuck with me. I remind myself that this is His work, not mine. He is our Sheppard and will lead us to green pastures.

His Word keeps me firm and ready for what’s to come:
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Eph 6:10-11 ESV

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. 2Ti 3:16 -17 ESV
¡Hola amigos!

Ha sido un rato desde el último poste. Tuvimos que viajar a los Estados debido a una emergencia. Estamos bien solo que teníamos que atender un negocio.

Lo importante es que regresamos donde estamos supuestos estar. Creo que fue un truco del enemigo para desalentarnos y robar nuestra alegría y el enfocque. Sin embargo, las promesas de Dios son verdad cuando dice, "Y sabemos que para los que aman a Dios, todas las cosas cooperan para bien, esto es, para los que son llamados conforme a Su propósito (Rom 8:28 NBLH) No siempre puede comenzar el como uno quiere, pero al fin nosotros somos los ganadores. Gracias a este viaje, Wilson pudo conseguir un suministro de 5 meses de una de sus medicinas; nosotros también tuvimos una discusión valiosa con nuestro pastor en casa con respecto a proyectos próximos y mejoras generales. También visité y adore con estimados hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. Eso es siempre un ánimo y una bendición. Yo no comprendo cómo personas no "desean" ir a la iglesia a veces dicen 'no tienes que ir a la iglesia para dar culto a Dios, yo lo puedo hacer en casa', cuán poco ellos comprenden la bendición de la pertenencia al cuerpo de Cristo.

Vamos a Veracruz este fin de semana. Yo todavía recordé las palabras de Pastor durante su sermón que el domingo pasado que nosotros estuvimos allí. El dijo que veríamos muchas necesidades que nosotros no podríamos ayudar. Esa palabra atascó conmigo. Yo me recuerdo que esto es Su trabajo, no mío. El es nuestro Pastor y nos dirigirá a pastos verdes.

Su Palabra nos mantiene firme y nos prepara para lo que a debe venir:
Por lo demás, fortalézcanse en el Señor y en el poder de su fuerza. Revístanse con toda la armadura de Dios para que puedan estar firmes contra las insidias del diablo. Efesios 6:10-11 NBLH

Toda Escritura es inspirada por Dios y útil para enseñar, para reprender, para corregir, para instruir en justicia, a fin de que el hombre de Dios sea perfecto (apto), equipado para toda buena obra. 2Ti 3:16-17 NBLH

Meet Francisca

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I met Francisca for the first time on our trip to Veracruz. She is the oldest in a family of 9. I asked her the usual questions, trying to get to know her. When I asked, are you in school, her eyes went down with sadness and disillusion.

Her story touched me so, I have to post about it here, hoping and in faith that the Lord will answer her prayer.

She is 18 and was in her '3rd semester' of high school. What we can understand as 11th grade. Her family lives in the mountains, her father had supported her by paying a room and food while she stayed in the closest town with a high school, Zacualpa, about 2 1/2 hours away.

Her family can't afford to pay for this anymore. $70/month pays for her to share a room and food. Francisca wants to go work at the closest big city, Tulancingo, 4 hours away. This broke my heart. She WANTS to go to school and would be the first in the community to be a high school graduate. The dreams I see for her. She could help with her brothers/sisters and their education. With 1 semester away, will she finish?

If you would like to sponsor Francisca, please email me - dcg1218 @ yahoo dot com. Thank you.

Veracruz 02

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pictures from our last trip to Veracruz taken from my phone because my small camera was not functioning (ugh!). If you know me, I love to have my camera at hand! Aside from that and a flat tire, our trip was a blessing.

Life in Mexico

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hola amigos!

I just want to take a moment and journal what's life like here in Mexico.

Everyday chores usually take a lot longer to do here. Laundry, for example is a few hours versus 1 to 1 1/2 it took in the US. Cooking is a whole lot different. Libe, the lady of the house, takes the responsibility of cooking, cleaning, laundry, and other labor tasks. However, since I came, I have been helping her with at least cooking and some cleaning. She is thrilled to see me cook in a different way :) I don't have everything I need when cooking, but I'm learning to be creative. That is a definite requisite to living here.

Spiritually speaking, we are on our own. There isn't a church where I can go and worship freely and fellowship. Every church we have visited have requested us to preach/teach. It's weird actually. I feel a freedom of not having a 'church responsibility' but at the same time it was good to have an appointment every Sunday with the Lord. I don't know if this makes sense. :) It's been fun to seek God on my own basis. I can't really explain. It's just me, a worship CD/playlist, the Word and my prayer shawl (thanks Pastor Tom), seeking the Almighty God of Wonders. Praise his name.

This has been on my heart lately:
"You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth." John 4:22-24 (TNIV)

I've noticed this, Jesus says "You Samaritans worship what you do not know...we worship what we do know" - and I ask- "Lord, what do I know? The more I know you, the more I know who I worship, the more worship means to me." I know him more in worship and the truth reveals who He is to me. Thank you Father for being a personal God to me, I can say with confidence "You are my God and I worship YOU."

Domini, Hidalgo

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Teaching at a Pastor's conference followed by a general service.

Veracruz 01 Movie

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First Visit to Veracruz 6/5-7/09

Praise God! 8 Saved, 3 Healed, 2 Teachings with 32 in attendance

Wish List- Board and Chalk, Crayons, Activity Books, Small CD Player, Kid's Bibles.

Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Luke 15:10